Sunday, October 10, 2010

Home poo

Being back in Singapore is kinda surreal. The only thing running through my mind now, amidst the half-unpacked chaos that is my room, is where my next long holiday destination will be.

Just one day, and already I'm back to the unhealthy eating habits of the Singaporean way.

Where are the easily available bento's and onigiri's from the convenience stores, the freshly made salads, sushi and crepes? The freshly grated wasabi, and the handmade soba noodles with lovingly boiled broth?

Where where where!

I had no chips while I was there. Imagine that. Me. Queen of potato chips. Had. No. Chips!

But back one day and I've already had instant noodles and chocolate cookies.

I feel grossed out with myself.
