Monday, November 3, 2008

Talk about getting backed into a corner

Last night at dinner, my nephew (who's 4) and his parents (my sister and my brother-in-law) had the most amusing conversation.

little boy: I can't eat my rice, I'm sick.
mommy: oh no, you're sick ? what should we do then daddy ? *looks at daddy*
daddy: know what that means don't ice-cream and desserts for a month !
little boy: *big saucer-like eyes as the realisation sets in*
mommy: oh yes, that's right, no ice-cream and desserts for a wholeee month !
little boy: I'm not sick.
daddy: you're not sick ? but you just said you were sick.
little boy: no no no..I'm not sick anymore.
daddy: but you just said you were sick. Does that mean you were lying ?
little boy: urm...*sensing a trap*
daddy: so are you sick or are you not ?
little boy: *weighing up the pros and it worth it?*
little boy: urm...yes...I lied, I'm not sick.
daddy: you lied !?! mommy, what does that mean if he lied !!
mommy: ohhhh no....if he lied, it means he has to stand in the corner !
daddy: oh yes. That's how it is right. If you tell a lie, you have to stand in the corner.

At this point, I think I just burst out laughing.

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