Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Is anybody out there?

Hello world. It's been awhile since I wrote. Mostly because work takes up so much of my time and energy.

Tonight I'm going for Marketing's Agency of the Year awards night.

I feel like the past 3years+ of my working life has been a strange journey. It's neither long nor short, but one thing's for sure, I can't claim to be a fresh grad anymore.

I have a love-hate relationship with advertising. It's larger than life, with ego's a-plenty, and lots of people I just want to stomp into the 7th level of hell but yet, I don't know anything else outside of it.

There was a time not too long ago when I tried to take myself out of it. To try something new.

But it wasn't to be, and I found myself right back here.

I've decided now that the only way to survive this is if work made up just 50% of my life. Right now it's closer to 99%, which is why I surmise, when anything goes belly-up at work, it literally sucks the life-force out of me and makes me want to curl up into a ball and die.

So 50% it's going to be.

And we'll take baby steps, starting with muay thai and marathons. Which is ironic because I've gone from killing myself emotionally, to killing myself physically.

Oh well.

At least it's something else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're not gonna be killing yourself physically baby. All this training is gonna make you a tougher muffin in the years to come!

Go you!