Sunday, August 28, 2011

So yesterday was Polling Day for the Presidential Elections and I was on duty for a good 14 and a half hours.

Needless to say, I came home beyond pooped out, and whiny. So I did what I always do whenever I'm pooped and whiny, I activated the Boo. He came down to take me for dinner, and then give me a foot squish, hand squish, arm squish and back squish. The works.

The day started at 530am.

And it rained on and off throughout.

I was on wheelchair duty, and it didn't help that the ramp area wasn't sheltered.

I think the most eye-opening part of the day was seeing the many different types of people from all walks of life, who lived within an area I've lived in my whole life.

Most jarring was the two very disparate income groups that reside in the area. I saw an aunty who came in with a plastic bag full of empty cans, that she would then recycle to supplement her income. And on the other end, I saw more Porsches, Mercedes' and BMW's than I could keep count of.

I also saw people I kinda knew at some point or another, but who didn't recognise me because it'd been years - and I couldn't find it within me to say a jolly "hello" and make small talk because it was such a gruelling day. But it did amaze me to think just how many people have came in and out of my life over the years, and I wondered how different life would be if I were still in touch with some of them.

And of those that I assisted with the wheelchair, there were the grumpy old people who complained that they were getting wet, despite us trying to shield them as best as we could with the umbrella, and getting wet ourselves. But there were also the old sweethearts who thanked us profusely for our help.

My favourite part of the day was seeing the many different types of couples who came by.

Especially the old foggies. How they lovingly still held each other's hands, and looked out for each other was too sweet for words.

Or the hubby who begged us to let him drive his car into the compound (we only allowed handicapped drop offs) just so he could pick up his wife, who would otherwise get wet in the rain.

I want that.

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