Thursday, October 30, 2008


Earlier this year, I decided it would be my goal for 2008 to complete a half marathon.

The thought sprang out of nowhere really - it just came to be. So the boyfriend and I began on our training regime. And I use the word 'training' and 'regime' very loosely because by that, I mean we trained once every fort-monthly or so.

It wasn't really our fault though (or so we kept telling ourselves), the weather was just horrid ! We couldn't do weekdays, because our working hours are erratic. And then come weekends, it would just pour cats and dogs non-stop.

Last weekend though, I decided to pop by the Stanchart Marathon website just to check out the race route - and there, blinking right back at me from its perch on the top of the page was the countdown timer.

39 days xx hours xx min it said.

I gulped and then called the boyfriend in a panic.

I insisted that this weekend - come rain or shine, we'd be covering the full distance even if I had to walk, crawl or drag myself.

And we did, we did, we did !

It took 3 and a half hours to complete 22km, but the point is - we finally covered the distance ! Or rather, I finally covered the distance !

I'd like to say it was a huge sense of accomplishments, but I'm still aching (2 days on), and finding it hard to dig up the energy to rejoice.

Looking forward to the next run :)

Tip: You can go to to see how far you're running if like me, you don't have a fancy schmancy digital watch that has an in-built GPS or some whizz bang gadget that fits snugly into your shoe, and no doubt costs the same price as a pure-bred puppy.

And my baby (slash slavedriver, when we're running), he turned 25 on Monday.
Happy birthday boo !

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