Sunday, January 4, 2009

Bored Games.

The boyfriend and I engaged in a friendly (or just slightly competitive) bout of 'bored' (his term - see, I give credit where credit's due) games tonight, which ended in a draw.

We played four games in total:
1. Jenga (he won)
2. Othello (I won)
3. Connect 4 (I won)
4. Jewel Quest (he won)

Jenga started with a little bit of friendly ribbing - him trying to blow over the tower when it was my turn, and me trying to nudge him when it was his - but I concede that he earned his victory fair and square.

The claws started to come out in Othello. I still don't understand how he acquired that first corner, and I'm certain it was captured under dodgy circumstances (like when my back was turned or something) because one moment I was happy that he had put the piece in that spot, and the next thing I knew - he had the first corner ! Still, good (me, white) rightly triumphed in the end. A classic Disney tale of good trumping the bad (him, black). So I won, despite his underhand ways.

We moved on to Connect 4. And being the sore loser that he is, negated my gloating by putting on an air of indifference, dismissing the game as insignificant because he doesn't usually play it to begin with. I know right, how low can you go !

Finally, having run out of physical games we moved on to Jewel Quest on Yahoo games. In a bid to ensure that he won this one (or risk losing in the overall challenge of the 'Bored' games to me - and me holding it over him for ages to come), cunningly refused to divulge the rules of engagement. He won partly through cunning and partly through a fluke - because his board allowed for more consecutive jewel blasts than mine. Or so I say.

But in spite of his lack of healthy competitive spirit - all the cheating...tsk tsk - it was a good night and a nice way to spend the first weekend in the new year. 

Welcome 2009. I foresee many great things ahead this year :)

PS: You know I'm only kidding boo!

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