Friday, January 29, 2010

Love \ Love

I want to know what love is.

The Mariah Carey rendition.

The MTV isn't particularly well done, but there's something incredibly soulful and moving about her voice that just makes you want to stop and listen.

I also realised yesterday evening that I now have three versions of this song in my iTunes. I guess it's a popular song.

And speaking of love, I found another yesterday.
But I got it in ash brown instead of the black you see above. I've been thinking about it for months but could never bear to part with the money.

Till now; egged on by Tannie (I call her "little voice in my head"). This is the 2nd most expensive item I have ever bought myself. The 1st would be my MacBook.

I never liked big wallets before, and this isn't exactly huge, but it's bigger than what I'm used to.

I have realised in the past year that I am appreciating the things I have, more and more. I was never one to take exceptionally good care of my phone/wallet/bag/clothes/shoes, but I find myself doing so now.

It's scarily easy to spend money, and I don't want to grow old only to realise that I have flitted away all I have. I don't want to have to depend on my children or anyone else financially. I want to be able to support myself. And I think that's the best lesson my parents have ever taught me.

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