Monday, October 19, 2009

Ungracious much ?

I left work on the dot at 6 today, and headed to the bus stop.

Got on the bus and managed to get a seat - "great !", I thought. Now I can spend the journey home buried in the latest Sophie Kinsella book that Cookie got me, as opposed to staring curiously at the people around me, whilst trying to make it seem that I was really staring into mid-air.

But being rush hour, the bus filled up fast. There was a lady who looked to be in her 20s standing somewhat in front of me, her arm holding onto the pole to my right, allowing me a birds-eye view of her armpit (I'm kidding, she was wearing a sleeved top, so it wasn't direct eye-to-armpit contact).

Anyway, two stops later I found myself eye-to-chest with this old lady. So naturally, I put away my book and gave the seat up to her.

She thanked me and eased into the seat.

She got off before I did, and thanked me again as she was getting off and told me to take the seat.

I smiled at her but before I had a chance to do anything else, who swoops in to plonk herself on the seat but armpit woman - clearly aware that it was I who had vacated said seat.

I found that incredibly rude.

But because I was getting off a couple of stops later, I decided to let it go and instead got my phone out to occupy myself with typing Cookie a text on the rudeness of this woman.

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