Friday, July 1, 2011

I've always been moved by music, and at almost every significant moment in my life there has been an accompanying soundtrack.

Right now it's Fall For You.

And I can't repeat that enough.

"This is not what I intended, I always swore to you I'd never fall apart.
You always thought that I was stronger,
I may have failed but I have loved you from the start."

I guess you could say I'm emotional like that.

I think the reason I always latch on to a song of the moment is not because I'm trying to express the way I feel. But because I feel the song represents how I hope the other person feels/will feel about me, without me having to spell it out explicitly.

I love words, they mean a lot to me. And I look for hidden depths and meaning in all of it.

It's what compels me to listen to a song over and again to fully grasp the significance of its lyrics, to prefer books over movies, and to love receiving the written word whether it's by hand, email, a text or otherwise.

I love being on the receiving end of words because it means someone's taken the time to craft a message just for me. So it has to mean something. As opposed to nothing.

I spent some time reading my past entries a couple of weeks back. It's something I've never felt inclined to do in the past because I don't like reading my writing. It makes me cringe and feel slightly vulnerable.

But I forced myself to.

And going through them I could genuinely feel the happiness of each word I put down.

Writing used to be an outlet for me when I was feeling down or had something happy to share. And though I'm updating a lot these days, I'm never really sure how much or even what I want to say. Because spelling it out makes it too real. So instead, I settle for logging on and filling this page with abstract bits of random thoughts.

I don't feel I'm writing from the heart - whether it's happy, or otherwise. And that there's no soul to these words.

For now anyway.

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